Course Information |
Q1. | Select the Course Completed |
Q2. | Enter the date of the course |
Q3. | What was the primary instructor's first and last name or Registry number (listed on the certification card)? |
Class Engagement
Q4. | Organization, Pace and Flow |
Q5. | Not Too Basic, Not Too Complex |
Q6. | Time Allowed for Practice
Q7. | Teaching Effectiveness (knowledge, skill, appearance, behavior, class management) |
Class Content
Q11. |
Online Training Component (if taken)
Q13. |
Evaluation (Written Exam, Skill Performance Evaluation)
Q14. |
How would you rate your emergency care skills BEFORE taking this class?
Q15. |
How would you rate your emergency care skills AFTER taking this class?
Q16. |
How willing would you be to respond to an emergency BEFORE taking this class?
Q17. |
How willing would you be to respond to an emergency AFTER taking this class?
Q18. | Comments (what you liked most, what you liked least, etc.) |
Q19. |
Would you recommend this course to others?
Q20. |
Email Address (Optional, but required if you want us to contact you)